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Welcome to Camp Champ - a hectic 2v2 capture-the-flag game with goofy combat and a 1930s art style. Will you emerge victorious and capture all the flags?

Role: In this project, I mainly worked on the UI (HUD and Healthbars), which I designed and created the art assets for. Additionally, I worked on weapon design for the beartrap weapon.

UI elements: As the UI designer of Camp Champ, I worked on various UI elements; I worked closely with our team's visual artists to ensure they fit our game's theme and color palette.


Particle effect: Using some of my art, I made a particle effect consisting of green clouds and skulls for the rotten egg weapon.

Particle picture

Gamemode iteration:

During playtests of our game, my teammates and I noticed that players would "camp" at their base, making it difficult for the planned chaotic gameplay to play out. To combat this, another teammate and I started thinking about ways to fix this gameplay issue. I came up with a simple solution: instead of starting with the flags at your base, the flags are spread throughout the level and not assigned to any team. I also reduced the amount of flags from 6 to 5 so that even matches are less likely to occur. After playtesting and comparing the different game modes, the one I decided was chosen for the final game.

Gamemode picture

Weapon design: During the prototyping stage of our game, I designed one of the five weapons, the beartrap weapon. This weapon allows the player to protect their base or deter the other player from returning the flag to their base.

Goal: Me and my team wanted to develop an easy-to-pick-up game that is fun to play for friends while hanging out together. This means there should be simple mechanics and controls so everyone can play without overthinking, as most of the fun comes from the players and not the game itself.

Research: We researched a lot of couch co-op games, such as Overcooked, Mario Party, and It Takes Two. We created a mix of teamwork and competitiveness by making the game 2v2.
Additionally, our artists researched the artstyle of Cuphead and 1930s cartoons. Some of which I have also used when creating UI assets for the game.

Result: The game was released for free on Itch.io

Unreal Engine 5

Time : 11 weeks
